Meta Home Limited

Welcome to Meta Home, a place that you can find energy related objects in 3D.

The aim of Meta home is to provide Heating, Plumbing and electrical like you've never seen before, a place that offers a 3 dimentional learning platform and a new way of buying products such as boilers.

We will share with you some useful content that can be related to 3 dimentional, VR, AR and much more futuristic information.

Meta home Limited is a partner of EPHG Limited, both companies sharing the same CEO with a rich history and experience of the heating industry.

Currently, this site is very new, and will use the whole of 2023 to develop what we expect to be an exciting year, when it comes to websites and 3D as technology grows.

Please note. We aim to have the whole website in voice over, and as we progress, the home page is likely to change, so for now, there will be no further voice over for the rest of this home page.

Please enjoy the site and keep visiting for updates.



As an example of a boiler, I've included an image of my own boiler designed in 3D in August 2022 and will be an idea for future boilers I will be designing for E-Learning and E-Commerce.

Soon I should be including a link from here going to inner pages that will allow you to see the latest boilers coming out, offer news and see the boilers in 3 Dimention from your own devices and possibly even project the boiler of your choice onto a wall in your own property, to give you an idea of what the boiler will look like and if it will fit.

Unevented Cylinder + Expansion Vessal

Cylinder Expansion Piping

As part of your 3D visualization, you should get to see every small part, see inside parts and get a better understanding for how heating systems work.

Each part of this heating system such as the central heating filter, central heating pump and cylinder can take days to design and put together. It's not just the detail you can see on the images but when you zoom in, you can also find writing the size of a millimeter looking very large when zooming right in.

What 3D offers over 2D is, a better design, much easier for engineers to follow, as they can change the angles of the diagram they are looking at in order to work on the heating system they're installing.

Central Heating Pump + Filter

Central Heating Pump and Filter

As you can see in the image on the right, this is just an example of zooming in and seeing the detail of the 3D object.

So just imaging being able to Zoom in at 100mm of Design work per 10mm of your device screen, to find out you can zoom in to 0.001 of digital per 10 millimeter of screen. That is just Wow! And the graphics are just amazing.

Back in 2021, Martin had designed something very simple in 3D, which you can visualise here: Active 3D. Please note, this was in 2021 and we're almost a year later now in September 2022. Technology is just about to get better with new software this year, showing better work.

What we expect from this site is a web link or links from each article going directly into the visualisation in 3D.



Looking to buy a radiator and wanting to see if it fits first, what it looks like on your wall, here we have an image of what's to come, just one radiator Meta Home has designed.

New updated should be expected on this website after October 2022 and if you're interested in keeping an eye on the work we are working on, do feel free to follow us on Twitter and join the Meta Home group on Facebook.

Meta Home Limited and EPHG Limited boast a combined 153,000 group members on facebook worldwide and one of the most followed via media.

More Info

As this site is so new, there will be much more to read on this page, so for now, feel free to follow us on twitter at: Meta Home Twitter or you can join our group on Facebook at Meta Home Facebook Group.