Earth2 Jewels | Jewel Collection
Welcome to the Earth2 Jewels, a place that can help you get the most out of your Jewel collection.
Just below in the image, edited by the 'Danish Farmer', an image that has been made to try and simplify your Jewel experience with earth2.
Please note, all credits go to the the editor 'danishfarmer' for the image below, release 2.01 updated on the 26th July 2023, with all thanks to TOPFLOOR, ELAIN and INSE for helping out the DanishFarmer.
As Earth2 grows, it becomes more complicated for many users, not knowing what the Jewels Utility are, what they can do, and our aim is to give you as much information as possible.
Just below, we will aim to make the image more easier on the eye with additional content, to assist you with this Jewel graph.
Prime Jewels
Every so often, your property spawns the following Jewels: Anthracite, Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Ochre, Sandy & Yellow. These are known as Common T1 Jewels.
In regards to the other Jewels, these have to be crafted, such as the Orange, Purple, Jamaica, Sunrise & Sunset.
Crafting Jewels
In the image above, you will notice that there are some mixed Jewels, other than your basic common Jewels, and just below, explains mixed Jewels, in order to give yout he Jewels & Utility you require.
Please note, when crafting Jewels, you get shards, and with them shards, you can create new Cracked T1 Jewels. Not only can you make new Jewels, you can craft Jewels using Shards and Essence (see diagram below).
Mixed Jewels
Once you have your mixed Jewels, or would like to know more about your mixed Jewels before buying them, or crafting them within your earth2 account, here is more about the earth2 Mixed Jewels & what some of them do, please keep in mind, the more earth2 develops, the more utiltiy all the Jewels should have.
Cydroid Boosting Jewels
Just below is some information about Jewels used for Raiding & Cydroids, that should in future have even more Utility, keep in mind, any Jewel colour you don't see, should have further utility as Earth2 developes.
Resource Production Jewels
In regards to the resource production Jewels, and the resource claims the resource claims, just below is an image of the Jewels, that are being used for the production of the resources.
In regards to the Jewels & the utility they should give, why not take a look at the Cydroids they could be used on, once Cydroid Jewel slotting arrives, by visiting Earth2 Cydroid Collection.
To get to know more about the Danish Farmer, you can follow them by searching there Twitter account name @thedanishfarmer and if you would like to tip them, you can use there discount code 'danishfarmer' who should get between 5% to 7.5 of any tiles you buy first hand from earth2.
This article was written by Martin Smith of 'Meta Home' Limited, and with thanks to our partner, the Danish Farmer, for providing this wonderful image of the Jewel collection.