Raw Material For Diamond on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Diamond, the prime Jewel Turquoise, and the prospecting Cydroid Starlight Fury.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Diamond, the prime Jewel Turquoise, and the prospecting Cydroid Starlight Fury.

Information regarding Diamond below

Diamond's related building blocks

Well, most of us should know that many people refer to the Diamond as a ladies best freind, well that is the way it was pretrayed growing up.

Diamonds are referred to being used in many applications, onc emostly known for it's jeweller, and the other being the diamond cut tools.

Diamond is the symbol C and is made up of carbon, and when it comes to gems, it's so different to many, it has it's own class, because it's the only gem in the world that's made up of a single element, being carbon.

 Another form of carbon is known as graphite, but should never being mixed up, as they have there own different properties.

Diamond is a solid form of pure carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal, and the quality of diamonds can range signicantly, giving it's difference values and it's uses. It is also the hardest known natural material.

So other than Jewellery, diamonds are used for cutting tools, and can be used as a diamond paste, to polish diamonds, and other materials. Very fine diamond powder can be used on drill bits, blade, and make for really good cutting tools, given the hardness of the diamonds.

Due to the lack of diamonds in the industr, mosly for cutting tools, diamonds are most made up of synthetic diamonds being fine grains, and the reason for larger diamonds not being made, the expensive type, is because the cost to make them would be too much.

With a matter of interest, I was always curious about diamonds, how they formed, and could they be replicated as man or woman made, so I decided to do some research and come up with a great video in how this is explained, which you can video Queensmith, and the video is at the bottom of the page, hope this helps.

So now you've leant a little about diamonds, so what do you think the uses earth2 is going to have with them? Given that the latest hints shown in the image, you have the firestorm energy converter, and the inductrial-grade diamond.

Well we have already covered the inductrial-grade diamond, you may wonder what the firestorm energy converter is abou! The firestorm converter after doing a search, nothing seems to come up, so could this just be a made up name by earth2, and could the key words have anything to suggest what they could be used for, i'd be interest to see what your guesses could be.

Looking at the image of the firestorm energy converter, this could suggest  something like the Cauldron energy, which used uranium to give power to grid, and could this be the purpose of the firestorm energy converter, a small container built up of metal, and uses diamonds, as part of a strategy to contain and use energy, I guess we'll have to wait and see!

If you're looking for some land with diamonds in, with plenty of space still expected to be available, and the tiles being cheap, you can find some land on earth2 here. This mine is also supported by the mindat website, giving clear data that the resource is availalbe in the area, also giving the shape of the mine, and where you could find the resource.  

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.