Raw Material For Niobium on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Niobium, the prime Jewel Topaz, and the prospecting Cydroid Starlight Fury.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Niobium, the prime Jewel Topaz, and the prospecting Cydroid Starlight Fury.

Information regarding Niobium below

Niobium's related building blocks

Niobium is a chemical element with chemical symbol Nb and atomic number 41.

Niobium is very similar to Titanium. The main difference is that Niobium is more corrosive, making Titanium a more wanted item, however, due to it's value, more people tend to go for Niobium, than Titanium.

Niobium was discovered in 1801 and was called Columbium of which the chemist Charles Hatchett believed to be identical to tantulam, however, in 1846 that tantalum ores contain a second element, which he named niobium.

Niobium is used in jet engines, rockets, beams and also used with oil and gas pipelines. It is used with superconducting magnets for particle accelerators, MRI scanners and NMR equipment. So what can it be used in earth2?

Looking at the image, we can see Niobium blocks, Niobium powder, which is expected, however, interestingly enough, we have recharging electronics, and Nio-T-Titan Cable. So what are the electronics, and what is Nio-T-Titan Cable?

The charging electronics seem to be the type of conductive metal, used to conduct electric between solar power and other types of power sources, to enable power points, and charging capabilies.

The use of the words Nio and Titan, would suggest that a cable using both Niobium and Titanium would be used in this case, and according to the Springer Link, it suggests that it is used to enhance electrical and mechanical properties of copper at higher operational temperature application, therefore, making it a better property for the use of charging applicances, and going by the looks of the image here, automotives also.

If you're looking for the resource on earth2 for niobium, you can find some Niobium at the Kanyika Mine on earth2. Which is supported my the Kanyika Niobium Project to give you an idea to the shape of the mine, so that you could buy the resource, and hopefully be succesful in having the resource on your property.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.