Raw Material For Rhenium on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Rhenium, the prime Jewel Peridot, and the prospecting Cydroid Ohr.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Rhenium, the prime Jewel Peridot, and the prospecting Cydroid Ohr.

Information regarding Rhenium below

Rhenium's related building blocks

Rhenium is a chemical element, and has the symbol Re and the atomic number 75. It is also one of the most rarest elements on earth and was discovered in 1925 by 3 Germans apparently.

Rhenium is about twice the weight of lead, and is a dense metal, and is the by product of Molybdenite.

The main uses of the metal Rhenium is the jet engineer blades, because of the strengh, the weight, and the heat the metal can take, keeping it stable. To understand more about Rhenium, I've included this video which I will call The uses of Rhenium.

On the card, you will see Rhenium Blocks, Rhenium Thermal Wire, Maraging "REBO" Steel 950 and a Molten Sand Heat Exchanger.

First of all, the Rhenium block is fairly normal, which is just the Rhenium being extracted into just one block. Rhenium thermal wire is generally used for heat detection, also known as therma coupling, and being a heating engineer myself, I can confirm similar thermacouples beign used for boilers, where there is a heated flame, therefore, the thermacouple being resistant to heat to a certain temperature.

Maraging steel, is a term used for steel that is generally has ultra high strengh, and with this being Rhenium, this would suggest that it has a heat resistence, for the reason it is probably used for aircraft blades, and other similar products, so just imagine you want to manufacture a jet plane within earth2, and you require the materials to build this plane, given that you will need the resource to make blade, well Rhenium is one of the resource you could require.

The Molten Sand Heat Exchanger - Molten Sand is generally refered to sand that is heated up long enough to form a glass, and on the other hand, a sand heat exchanger is normally sand that heats up long enough, it stores the heat without harly any heat loss for weeks and possibly months, however, Molten sand heat exchangers should never be mixed up with Sand Heat exchangers. So looking at the image, one could say that the heat exchange heats the sand to a liquad, and moves the liquad sand to a manufacturing state where glass is made, however, I wouldn't be entirely sure until further information on earth2, or we see this in 3d action in the manufacturing process of earth2. What are your thoughts?

If you're' looking for some Rhenium, you may be able to find a Rhenium Mine here.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.