Raw Material For Tantalum on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Tantalum, the prime Jewel Obsidian, and the prospecting Cydroid Blaizer.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Tantalum, the prime Jewel Obsidian, and the prospecting Cydroid Blaizer.

Information regarding Tantalum below

Tantalum's related building blocks

Tantalum is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73.

Tantalum is mainly used in electronic components and is is the rarest stable element in our entire solar system apparently.

The most important uses for tantalum is electrolytic capacitors and corrosion-resistant for mobile phones.

After looking up a fair few videos, and finding Tantalum mostly being used as capacitors, I manayage to find a video that I will call what is Tantalum, which I find very useful to best explain about the rare metal.

Now that you know a little more about Tantalum, let's look at the earth2 card. We have Tantalum Bars at 99.9%, foil, superfilm PV and Tantalum platima dual-capacitor.

The tantalum bars was to be expected, but not at 99.9% which suggest it could almost be impossible to get 100%.

Tantalum foil was to be expected, due to it's uses within the industry, but I didn't expect the superfilm, but useful to known, given that we're expecting to have charging facilities.

The tantalum platina dual capacitor was expected given the information above, as there are many resources that can make up capacitors also.

If you're looking to buy some T2 Tantalum, here is a Tantalum location.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.