Raw Material For Neodymium on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Neodymium, the prime Jewel Slate, and the prospecting Cydroid tbc.

Please be aware that this page is set to be updated, so things could change as they become more clearer.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Neodymium, the prime Jewel Slate, and the prospecting Cydroid tbc.

Information regarding Neodymium below

Neodymium's related building blocks

Neodymium is a chemical element with the symbol Nd and atomic number 60. It is also the 4th member of the Lanthanide, which compromises of 15 metallic chemical elements with the atomic numbers 57 to 71.

Neodymium is consider to be one of the most common rare earth metals, and is considered by earth2 to be a D6 resource, which is more rare than D5 and lower, but not as rare as D7 and above.

Apart from it's bright silvery looks, weight, and hardness, Neodymium magnets are used for hard disc drives, mobile phones, video's and TV's. Neodymium is particularly used in magnet seperators, filter, ionizers and security systems, to turn applicances on and off.

Neodymium is also used in wind turbines, aeronautics and space. More traditionally, you cna find this resource being used to tint glass, used with surgical lasers and laser pointers.    

The most important use for neodymium is in an alloy with iron and boron to make very strong permanent magnets.

Searching the website for information regarding Neodymium, and found a very useful page on linked in regarding the uses of the metal called House Uses of Magnets: 55 Amazing Neodymium Magnets Applications in Daily Life. This article includes a very cool video using a magnet to move around a coil.

So now that you know more about Neodymium, what do you think these can be used for on earth2! Given the latest article and the image here, as we would expect, we have Neodymium rods, Samarium, Neodymium magnet and Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet.

Neodymium rods are basically magnets but in a rod form, however, I'd expect these within earth2 to be collected to be used towards assets and building materials.

Samarium is a SM symbol, and is also part of the Lanthanoid group, but what is it doing here? My thought on this would be that it's required alongside Neodymium, so whatever you need this material for, there's a good chance you'll need Samarium. So if you don't have this resource, it may be worth looking for it as a hint of what's to come.

As covered in this article, the image includes Neodymium magnet, so I won't go on to much about this, however, we have doped Yttrium aluminum garnet! This is very interesting, given that it's colour, and the D9 resource we have coming shares the same of similar colour, so could this be a hint from the D9 resource?

In regards to the doped Yttrium aluminum garnet, the wikipedia gives some great information about the resource regarding Neodymium-doped Yttrium aluminum garnet, some websites point to lasers, however, one really did catch my eye, not litterally, but I found a cool short video showing a laser cleaning up marble, another taking away a tattoo of an arm, known as laser treatment, so how could this reflect earth2? Could it be that cydroids have laser of special ability to do things, could this mean that the cydroid in question is given laser  abilty, maybe this is something to keep in mind, that this cydroid later on could be part of the puzzle.

After looking at a few videos on the internet regarding the neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet, I've come to the concludion that this neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet is going to be used a lasers from the cydroids, and part of the manufacturing, and the gamification of building cydroids and other assets.

If you're looking for the resource on earth2, you'll realise this resource isn't easy to find given that the resource is part of the REE (Rare earth elements) family, however, according to the Wikipedia, you can find this resource at Steenkampskrall Mine which you can find on earth2.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.