Raw Material For Uranium on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Uranium, the prime Jewel Prehnite, and the prospecting Cydroid Alukah.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Uranium, the prime Jewel Prehnite, and the prospecting Cydroid Alukah.

Information regarding Uranium below

Uranium's related building blocks

Uranium is a chemical element and it has symbol U and atomic number 92.

Uranium i one of the most danagerous elements to mine, which I have included a video of how Uranium is minedhow Uranium is mined. Please note, this video was taken at the McArthur River Uranium mine in Canada, which has already been searched, and there are a few small properties there, but the land isn't cheap, and there isn't currently any great deals there.

If you're wondering how they make Uranium powder, here I included another video known as how they make uranium powder.

Have you ever wondered what Uranium is used for and did you know that a Uranium power plant greats electricity. To learn more, I have included this video which I will call nuclear Uranium power and there safety systems. In this video, I learn that Zircon from the Zirconium article is used for the covering of the Uranium pallets.

Not only do I hope that my videos serve as an education, I hope you enjoyed those video's and looking at the card, we include Uranium-235, YTTRIUM, YTTRIUM Stablilized Zirconia Glass and XLPE Insulated YBCO Power Cable.

The first thing you may think, what has these assets have to do with Uranium, however, it may be best to think what these assets may relate to this resource, that the resource making up these assets. Which could hint at another resource YTTRIUM coming out, and another resource that is already out, already mentioned above.

YTTRIUM is normally used as an additive, and in this case, it seems to be suggested that this resource is an additive towards YTTRIUM Stablilized Zirconia Glass, but could be an additive for many other things, which I expect to cover in another article.

Uranium-235 = The radioactive uranium isotope having a mass number of 235, comprising 0.715 percent of natural uranium. When bombarded with neutrons it undergoes fission with the release of energy. Which could be the process of building the pellets in the vide above.

In regards to the XLPE Insualted YBCO Power cable, the XBCO stands for Cross-linked polyethylene and the YBCO stands for Yttrium barium copper oxide, which is content for a high temperature enabling cable, which suggests this type of camle could be used for industrial purposes.

A week later, I noticed there changed the card and have taken away the Uranium-235, YTTRIUM, YTTRIUM Stablilized Zirconia Glass and XLPE Insulated YBCO Power Cable. The new Uranium card now includes Uranium Rods which seems more fitting as to the link to the video, and also includes Promethium.

Promethium is a checmical element given the symbol of Pm and has the atomic number 61. I'm currently not sure what Promethium related to uranium, so I'm sure we'll find out at some point.

If you're looking for some uranium land and not sure where to find it, then here is a link to the Kanyika Project on earth2.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.