Raw Material For Gold on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Gold, the prime Jewel Gold, and the prospecting Cydroid Aarum.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Gold, the prime Gold Jewel, and the prospecting Cydroid Aarum.

Information regarding Gold below

Gold's related building blocks

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79.

Most people associate gold with gold, silver and Bronze, and see gold as Jewelry, however, gold does have many uses in the industry, more used that people could imagine due to technolody, and uses you can find in smart phones these days.

Just before I get started on the earth2 card, and what we could expect on earth2, here is a vide about The uses of gold which I found very useful, for example, what does injecting gold do to parts of your body, eating gold, and the use of gold in space and other smart gadgets.

On the E2 card, you will notice gold bars, which is to be expected, Vaporized gold, building and recharging electronics grade-E.

In regards to gold bars, many people use these for different reasons, mostly banks and huge electronic companies, one in the use of currency, and the other for technology.

In regards to the building electronics and charging electronics grade E, these are related to the quality of the gold plating on the electronics, and to get a better understanding to how to identify gold, take a look at this video known as How to identify gold.

Something else you may want to know regarding seperating gold, I will also include antoher video that may interest you, and that is how to mine gold from electronic components.

This led me to research how gold plating was made, and to my surprise, you can actually buy a liquid 24k gold plating solution and do this at home using a liquid 24k gold plating solution kit. Here is a video on gold and silver plating gold plating, however, please get expert advice before doing this, if this is soemthing that interests you.

In regards to the vaporized gold, it makes me wonder, what is this? Could it be the liquad solution that makes gold plates using electronics what they are, as part of getting it to the liquad state, so I did a little more digging and found this video which I will call how to make gold liquid and this allows us to get the whole cycle, going from pure gold, to plated gold, and back to pure gold again.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.