Raw Material For Titanium on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Titanium, the prime Jewel Titanite, and the prospecting Cydroid Zirah.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Titanium, the prime Jewel Titanite, and the prospecting Cydroid Zirah.

Information regarding Titanium below

Titanium's related building blocks

Titanium is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 22.

Titanium seems to be the one resource within an article a few months ago that earth2 had mentioned, with the hint that imagine you find the one area of rutile titanium, well taking that hint on, I managed to get a lot of property regarding this one resource, and not only should I benefit from this, but on the same land, I've managed to scoop Zirconium.

Titanium is so special, it has a high resistant to chemical attack, and the highest strengh to weight ratio of any metal.

Apart from many luxury gifts, titanium is used on aircrafts, spacecrafts for it's lightweight durabilty, where it can also have a high resistance to high temperatures. Titanium can also be used in laptops, phones, high performing racing mobiles, expensive pedal bikes.

Interestingly enough, there are things you may not know that Titanium is used in, such as foods, suncream and so on. If you're interesting to know what Titanium is used for including planes and jets, take a look at this video, known as the top ten strangest things titanium is used for.

So now that you're more aware of Titanium, what do you think it could be used for on earth2? Here is my take well waiting for the article to come out on earth2, due to it's strenghs and weights, plus durabilty, and would say anything that can fly, which includes Cydroids and planes, hovering trains and so on, in fact, I believe that Titanium could be the most used Metal within earth2 due to it's durabilty, but that is to be seen, adn it will be interesting to see what they will use it for.

Now that the article is out, the image suggests that as expected, there will be Titanium ingot and sheets. There will also be Titanium T1-6AL-4V Alloy and Barium Titanate Dual Capacitor-YSV.

Titanium T1-6AL-4V Alloy accounts for about 50% of all alloys used, which is a manufactured and strenghend Titanium. Here is a video about the used of Titanium T1-6AL-4V Alloy.

Barium Titanate is an inorganic compound with chemical formula BaTi03. Instead of explaining it here, it is best lettign you watch the video about Barium Titanate, which suggests the resource Barium, if and when it comes out, could be used with electronic device in vehicles and other application that helps control electrical devices using capacitors.

If you're looking for some Titanium (ilmenite, rutile) within earth2 and not sure where to find it from, then as long as there are tiles left, you could find this resource at the Moma Titanium Mineral Mine also knowns as the Kenmare Resource Mine. This information is backed up by the Mindat website.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.