Raw Material For Tellurium on Earth2

Welcome to the Earth2 raw material for Tellurium, the prime Jewel Aquamarine, and the prospecting Cydroid Blaizer.

Just below, we'll explain as much information when it comes to the resource Tellurium, the prime Jewel Aquamarine, and the prospecting Cydroid Blaizer.

Information regarding Tellurium below

Tellurium's related building blocks

Tellurium is a chemical element and it has symbol Te and atomic number 52. Tellurium is also a metalloid and is solid at room temperature.

As it seems, well most people don't no anything about Tellurium, unknown to many, it is used in solar cells, discs such as DVD's and blue -ray discs, and Photocopiers to improve the picture quality in just some I believe.

Not only does the resource Tellurium get used in the above appliance, it is also being used in memory chips, and along with Ag, In, Sb, the Te becomes part of the recording layer underneath and in order of: The label, protective layer, reflecctive layer, upper dielectric layer, then the recording layer. Underneath the recording layer is the lower dielectric layer, then the polycarbonated dics substrate, which concluded the disc such as the DVD.

To get a bettter understanding of the resource Tellurium, I have included a video known as the most insidious element on earth which I find very interesting, serving quote 'my memory'.

So keeping in mind the above and looking at the card, we have the Tellerium bars at 99.9%, the Cadium-Telluride Nanofluid, and the Cadmium Telluride Film (CDTE).

Nonofluid is genuinly a fluid which transfers heat, which suggests that the CdTe Nanofluid could be used within the solar system to transfer the energy to it's destination, however, this could be somewhat different within earth2. In regards to the Cadmium Telluride Film, I've included a video that explains more about this in details, however, this vide may require your concerntration and may not be for everyone. This video I will call the Cadmium Telluride Film.

Trying to find Tellurium HF on earth2 has been hard, and may only be limited to T1 properties, so the only option is to either buy a T1 property, or buy T2, hope you land on some Tellurium tiles, and then upgrade to T1 to gain the resource.

If you're looking for some Tellurium and would like a location, here you will find an area which I hope you can pick to Tellurium HF at Sancos, Ayacucho, Peru, where you can also find Gold, Silver and Tellurium.

Just below is a list of other articles relating to the resource, the raw materials and the building blocks, including the prime jewels, and the prospecting Cydroids.

List of other relating articles to the building blocks collecting, including the main page.